Two Poems

I, myself, remember

The plunge

Into water so icy

I burned.


Sat in the sun

Wearing a leaf-dappled dress

That danced with the whirlwind,

Promising nothing.

The way of a man with a woman,

The way of a snake on a rock,

Is the way of the world.


Memory is an immigrant

Wandering, with thirst as a possession


A faint trail through the night-shrouded forest

Of the past,

Palimpsest clues queried anxiously

In search of destiny, or security, or even

A smile.

The chase becomes the chase

Of the chase.

Or a moth, somnolent by day,

Alive by devious design only

At night,

Circling, circling, circling

For no earthly reason but compulsion

Around the fiercely bright flame

Of a midsummer fire-memory,

Until the mad thinker


Existence in the transformation.

Or a fugitive at night,

Moving stealthily, illegitimately,


Until he vanishes from the careful eyes

And florid demands

Of being.

What he was, with whom, becomes


Molecules and atoms flee his particular.

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